
I am young, fit and healthy. Why do I need a Lasting Power of Attorney?
If in the future you are unable to make decisions for yourself – known as lacking ‘mental capacity’, you can officially appoint someone you trust....

I have prepared my Will. Why should I review or amend it?
Recently married or divorced? Had a child? Inherited some money? Bought a new house? Or significant changes in your health.

Afterlife regrets: 5 reasons why a DIY will may not service its purpose
Every year thousands of people create their own Do-it-Yourself wills. 60% of the people who die, die without a Will. Those who die leaving a DIY...

Intestacy and how its rules affect you
If you don’t leave a Will then the law will step in and a rigid set of rules, known as the Intestacy Rules, will dictate what happens to your...

5 reasons you need a Will and what happens if you don’t have one
Facing the fear of death is something most people are not prepared to do. Our clients often tell us that time was their number one reason for not...

Too young to have a Lasting Power of Attorney?
In future you might need someone to make decisions for you or act on your behalf for a number of reasons, your age should not be a reason to leave...
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